Sunday, 16 February 2014

Office irritants - email responsiveness

One of my pet peeves is people not replying to emails. And I'd like to think I'm a reasonable person so by that I mean within a reasonable timeframe and assuming you're at work and able to do so! 

I mentioned this to an esteemed colleague of mine the other day who pointed out, "There is really no excuse, it should be common courtesy to do so." Phew, it's not just me.

You can imagine my delight when I discovered that Lou D'Ambrosio, former CEO of Sears Holdings and Avaya, is also onside (I quote from Betty Liu's excellent book, "Work Smarts: What CEOs Say You Need to Know to Get Ahead").

'Single digits, low numbers'  got it?

Lou says, "When I send an email to somebody, I do expect a relatively immediate response. Responsiveness is measured in hours not days. And hours being, you know, single digits. And like low numbers."

I'm sure you can all think of an offendor. And it seems to become an epidemic, "I shall not be contacted by email, phone, letter, LinkedIn or carrier pigeon!" The very same people who have multiple contact details in their email signatures (why bother?).

We're probably all guilty of the above in some instances and for a number of valid reasons perhaps. But it's the serial 'nayrepliers' that really irritate me. And yes, you know who you are.

Remember, we're looking for single digits and low numbers. Oh, and that's hours not days. Not asking too much now, are we?

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